Friday, April 20, 2012

About the Book

After a little over a year of Ted and I working on our book project, the day is finally here - our new book "Protecting Your Internet Identity:  Are You Naked Online?" launched officially today!  A special thanks to our Publisher, Rowman & Littlefield.  Also many thanks to our book coach and editor, Nancy Muir.  She gave us tough love with each chapter review but the tough love paid off.  I grew especially fond of reading Nancy's editing notes on my chapters such as, "This part doesn't make sense at all."

We started off our pre-sales the right way when friend and author, Paula Broadwell, stopped by the house to have me sign a book for General Petraeus.  (By the way, please buy her book too called "All In" - fabulous book on leadership based on General Petraeus available on Amazon).

Ted and I kicked off our book launch in style by joining Consumer Anchor and Reporter, Kristen Miranda, at 6:15am Sunday for the WBTV-CBS morning news.  I then headed over to Christ Church Episcopal to teach "Parenting 101 in the Digital Age".  We are planning additional radio, TV, and media spots as well as public appearances to discuss some of the topics in the book.  

We are currently planning our book tour and hope to see friends and family as we make our way across the United States to meet people and sell some books.  If you have a contact in a city that you think we should meet, please introduce us!  

We have some wonderful reviews by leading experts which you can read at our book's Facebook page.

Stay tuned for a "Book Launch" party.  Plans in the making.

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